Our partners

We always strive to provide our clients with a wide range of offers of reliable and professional insurance companies. Although we are rather conservative and cautious when choosing insurers to whom we can entrust management of our clients’ risk, however, we always promote healthy competition in the insurance market, as it provides maximum benefit to our customers.

AAS “BTA Baltic Insurance Company” branch in Lithuania

The insurance company “BTA Baltic Insurance Company” is part of the Central and Eastern European insurance market leader “Vienna Insurance Group AG” (VIG) and is the largest company of this group in the Baltic region. VIG has been operating in a market for nearly 200 years with over 50 companies in 25 countries staying in the front line in the Baltic States, where the group’s companies held more than quarter of the non-life insurance market in 2018.


ADB “Compensa Vienna Insurance Group”

“Compensa Vienna Insurance Group” is a private limited liability company registered in Lithuania which started its activities in the Baltic States as from 1 January 2016. There was a Polish non-life insurance company Compensa TU S.A. operating in Lithuania until 2016. It was Vienna Insurance Group’s branch in Lithuania which has been operating in Lithuania since 2010. There were structural changes made to Compensa TU S.A. as the company grew and expanded its operations in the Baltic region. Vienna Insurance Group’s branch in Lithuania has transferred its business as a set of assets, rights and liabilities to a new joint-stock insurance company – Compensa Vienna Insurance Group.


ERGO Insurance SE Lithuanian Branch

ERGO is one of the leading insurance companies in the Baltic States offering non-life, life, and health insurance. More than 650 thousand customers in the Baltic States rely on ERGO Group services, experience, and financial stability. ERGO compensates for damages to customers in the Baltic States for approximately 143 million euros per year.


P&C Insurance AS Lithuanian Branch

“If” is a leading Nordic non-life insurance company with more than 3.6 million customers. Income from insurance amounted to EUR 4.2 billion in 2016. “If” is part of the Finnish Sampo Group. The company provides insurance services in the markets of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and the Baltic States. The company provides international services to its customers both through their affiliates and through their partner network. The head office of “If “is established in Solna, located in Stockholm County in Sweden.


ADB Gjensidige

“Gjensidige” started its activity in Norway 200 years ago with the establishment of a network of fire insurance. Currently, the Group operates in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and the Baltic States. “Gjensidige” provides life and non-life insurance as well as banking, pension, and other services to its customers. “Gjensidige” holds one-third of the non-life insurance market in Norway. The word “gjensidige” translated from Norwegian means “mutual”, and the company logo – a watcher holding a lamp – eventually became a symbol of security throughout Scandinavia.


AB Lietuvos draudimas

„Lietuvos draudimas“ – didžiausia ir ilgiausią patirtį sukaupusi draudikė, draudimo rinkos lyderė Lietuvoje ir didžiausia draudimo bendrovė Baltijos šalyse. Kas trečias besidraudžiantis Lietuvos gyventojas renkasi patikimą ir modernų „Lietuvos draudimą“.


Mandatum Life Insurance Company Limited Lietuvos filialas

Mandatum Life is one of Finland’s most respected and solvent financial service providers, and part of the successful Sampo Group. Mandatum Life provides its customers with wealth management, saving and investment services, employee reward and retention and personal risk insurance services.
